So, if your looking to lose weight then try living the life of a skinny person and see how your body changes! Follow these simple rules and you will be on your way towards your goal of living skinny and healthy.
1. Drink plenty of water. Most people who are in shape and healthy tend to drink more water then sodas, juices, and even alcohol. By drinkning water you are providing a much needed nutrient. Your body is made up of 70% water, it needs it! Plus, you will feel a more satisfing effect on the stomach when you drink water, then sodas. Drink as much as you want, water has no caloric content!
2. Always eat breakfast. You heard it before, “breakfast is most important meal of the day.” Well, breakfast will help you ward of hunger pains and keep you from over-eating the rest of the day. When you wake up your body is starving for nutrients, the longer you wait, the more hungry the body is. The more hungry the body becomes the more you eat! Breakfast also, helps to jump start the metabolism first thing in the morning.
3. Avoid snacking. Snacking throughout the day leads to extra calorie intake. Extra calories equal extra weight! Most people who are in shape lead and active lifestyle. You will find the more active you are the less time you sit around thinking about eating. Active people will schedule time to eat, usual when they sit down for their meals, then go most of the day without snacking on junk really because they don’t have time to eat!
Start by trying these three simple steps. Remember, weight loss is a lifestyle change. You can not change years of bad habits in one day. Take baby steps, make simple changes and before you know it you will have lost weight, feeling skinny and in the best shape of yourlife!
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Also, check out, here you can sign up for more great tips, and Instant Weight Loss Programs; included my Melt Fat Before Breakfast Boot Camp in Hanover, PA.
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